It seems like everyone wants student entrepreneurs. Entrepreneur First makes startups out of raw student material, for instance. Most countries want high-skilled students to stick around and make new companies. Only the UK likes to charge them a fortune for an education and then kick them out if they don’t earn enough. But I digress! In its long march to gradually cover several aspects of the UK’s startup scene, Founders Factory has invested in Creator Fund , the student-led venture capital fund. It launches today in the UK but plans to spread abroad to unearth startup innovation within European universities. It will use a network of “student VCs” in university campuses to invest in new technology ventures and student founders. The idea here is that students invest in their peers, offering an alternative route to growth for university-based startups. So far it has people signed up in 13 UK universities and offers up to £30,000 investment per startup. Equity is determined on a “...